Weekly Sermon (4)

Sermon – January 8, 2023

the ‘affirmation’ of our God…

January 8, 2023

Scriptures: Isaiah 42:1-9

Today is the Sunday set aside by the Church to reflect on the Baptism of Jesus, an account of which is found in each of the first three gospels, excluding only John’s. In the fourth gospel we find John the Baptist making note of the fact that he ‘saw a dove descending upon Jesus and knew therefore that he was the Son of God’, however the act of Jesus’s baptism itself is not mentioned.

And it was in seminary that it was first pointed out to me that there was an interesting difference among the gospel accounts of Mark and Luke as opposed to today’s reading from Matthew. And that difference is found in the closing statement ‘voiced’ by God regarding the recognition of Jesus’ baptism. In Mark and Luke, the ‘voice’ is heard to say, ‘You are my son…’, whereas in today’s account the words are, ‘This is my son…’.

And this slight, seemingly small difference may in fact reveal much more than at first glance. In Mark and Luke’s telling, it seems as though only Jesus may be able to hear the voice…as though God is telling him specifically that in fact he is the one appointed and called as the Son of the Most High. Which poses an interesting question I suppose. Note that this is just prior to Jesus being called out into the desert for a forty day fast, after which in his greatly weakened state he is tested and tempted severely. Almost as though these words of affirmation by God to him, were meant to both prepare him and strengthen his resolve for what was to come. But I also wonder, in Jesus’ ‘humanness’, in looking back over his life as the son of Joseph and Mary, a life where he surely grew more and more angry with the oppression of the Roman State and with the tacit complicity of the Jewish faith establishment, did he in fact need some sort of affirmation to spur him on to going forth? Did he need to hear directly from God at that point, that he was on the right track, that it was okay for him to walk away from his family and whatever responsibilities he may have had there, to go off in pursuit of the profound and radical social change he seemed to be so sure was needed?

And then with Matthew’s account, did those gathered there with Jesus at the riverside also need to hear that this young Rabbi was in fact the long-promised one they had all been waiting for? To hear out loud, within the hearing of all who were there, that this Rabbi was in fact the ‘One’, must have also been an affirmation of the first order for any who had begun to follow after him.

Either way, I think it is fair to say that the ‘voice’ there at the riverside served as an encouraging word to whoever was graced to hear it. A word of hope and promise, as well as a word of challenge. Surely a word of hope, even of joy for those who for so long were in need of relief from the trials of their deeply marginalized existence…finally something to hope in, someone to follow after. And for Jesus as well, it had to have been at least a word of grace, to hear that he was in fact on the right, or I suppose ‘righteous’ track…that he was truly centered in the pathway of God…that all that had stirred within his very human heart and soul since the time he was first conceived and born, was in fact of God, calling him towards an even fuller communion.

I am not sure if he knew, or if Jesus sensed what was in his immediate future, but I think he truly needed to hear those words from God prior to what was to be one of the lowest and most difficult periods in his young life. A life just embarking on a journey into trial and temptation which would all too soon lead to a cross on a hill in Jerusalem.

And while I suppose there are those who feel that Jesus knew who he was from the very beginning, I still feel that these words spoken that day were needed by him for the road that lay before him. But I am sure that the words we find in today’s reading were so needed as well for those there with him that day…words affirming that this was all a part of God’s plan…words that have continued to echo down through the centuries even unto today. For surely we also need to hear that all that we seek to do and to be as followers of our Lord and Christ, has purpose and promise too.

I truly believe, that these Holy and blessed words of affirmation of who we are, words of encouragement from the Spirit of our God, are still there for each one of us. But as our experience here shows us, these words may be for each one of us and for all of us gathered together as well, however they are not just for us, not just for our hearing or encouragement. These affirmations of our God, words that guide and give us hope are there for us to share with others as well. They too are a blessing given, in order that we might be a blessing to others. The gift of the Holy Spirit gifted to each one of us, is given as unto a vessel…we each are asked to serve as containers of this grace and promise in order to share the same affirmation and comfort we have received with others…we simply need to be quiet and still enough to allow it to flow into and through us outwards towards others.

My friends, we have been blessed to hear that same ‘voice of affirmation’. Our small little gathering, has been inordinately blessed over and over and over again…simply by following our Lord’s call to offer a place where people can both give from their own heart, and gather in good and righteous purpose to serve others. I don’t know how many of you were able to listen in to last week’s online service, but I must tell you, that was not just an interview with me…but rather an interview with each one of you here…for it truly takes all of us together to do what we have been called to do…and there is no better time to be reminded of that then at the start of a new year.

And while it may seem like we do many, many things here, that we spend our time and energy in so many directions as to make one wonder what or who we really are…in truth we only do one thing…one thing at which we get better and more practiced every day…one thing, which over time has become a habit. And that is, that everything we do can be summed up under one heading, one purpose…to offer a place where people see, hear, and come to believe that God is still alive and active in a world full of brokenness and worry. We offer a place for people to be blessed by simply offering what they have to give…a place where the innermost impulses of the heart are given space to flow outwards in good and holy direction and purpose.

We have been so blessed in learning that our truest purpose is to be found in simply providing the space and opportunity for our neighbors and friends to give of themselves, for in doing so, they too are receiving back this same affirmation of our Lord…sometimes even recognized, but always there.

In times of uncertainty, in times when the challenges seem far greater than our ability to meet them…in times when almost all of the water seems to have already flowed over the dam…the Lord beckons. Not just waiting on the sidelines for us to notice the holy that is amongst us, for so often we get sidetracked into thinking in times such as these that God must be far away, but rather, I believe it is in the toughest of times that the Lord is nearest to our hearts.He is not waiting at all, but actively seeking to reassure and to comfort, just hoping we will see the work of grace that so surrounds us every moment. Grace always there for us to see, to feel, and to know…if we but take a moment to grow quiet and to listen.

We each are so blessed and graced to be given the opportunity to extend the love of God that flows through us to others. We, who have come to believe in the constant and undeniable love of our God have been called to share that love in whatever way the Spirit guides in each particular situation. For in doing so, we will slowly but surely begin to be about the most important work we could possibly be. Which is that of building up the kingdom…the community…the conversation of our God in this place of our calling. This is the will of our God, this is the thing that Jesus called us to do and to be…this ‘loving of one another’, is how the Kingdom of grace and love is revealed here in our midst.

And it all comes back to the affirmation the Lord extends towards each one of us, and to us as a church gathered. For you see, community begets community, and righteously called community…begets righteously called community

…this is our task, this is our purpose…this is the road ahead…

…this is who we are, and who we need to continue becoming…

Happy New Year!!!  amen

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