
News from Our Food Pantry Ministry July 2024

News from Our Food Pantry Ministry

July 2024

As you know we have a very active emergency food ministry that seeks to address food insecurity within our community. Unlike other local pantries, we do not have strict residency requirements as to where someone lives in order to be eligible to receive food from our pantry. As such we serve a wide diversity of families from all of the surrounding locales.

Each year we are awarded a grant from the Hudson Valley Food Bank with which we can order the non-perishable foodstuffs we distribute out to our clients. The grant is structured such that a single dollar in the grant is worth far more in food than usual, due to the low prices assessed by the Food Bank. Our grant for this year is for $1,500, which does not sound like much but as stated it purchases far more than one would at a local market with the same amount. Nonetheless, it is hard to meet all of the needs of those who come for assistance, and so we are reaching out and asking any who are willing, to contribute certain needed items directly, or to consider ‘adopting’ our pantry through the Food Bank, wherein any money donated in our name will be added to our account and greatly increase our ability to purchase needed items.

The items we are currently short on, and which are more expensive to get from the Food Bank are: peanut butter, mayo, tuna, peanut butter and jelly, and toilet paper.

In the near future we will have a bin in the back of the church for donations.

Information for how one can ‘adopt’ our food pantry through the Hudson Valley Food Bank is listed on the reverse side.

Thank you for your continued support, Your Church Council

Mail checks to:

Regional Food Bank of NENY

Adopt-a-Program – Accounts Receivable

965 Albany-Shaker Rd.

Latham, NY 12110

Please specify on your check that the donation is made for our pantry, which is number 2040F.

Or On-line:

Donate to Regional Food Bank (


Note: the dropdown boxes.

What would you like your donation to support?

Select Adopt-a-Program

Partner Agency Name/Number –

Our number is 2040F.

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